Translation Quotation Form

Send us your translation project for a quotation

Errors On form:
    Send us the documents you need to translate

    To upload your documents select "Yes", then:

    • then either Drag and Drop the files from your computer into the "Drop file(s) here box" or click "Browse" to locate the files on your computer.
    • You can upload most formats, including PDFs, Office documents and image files. You can select multiple files up to a maximum of 8.
    • Your files are uploaded over a secure https connection and encrypted on our server.

    If you don’t have the files or don’t want to upload them now select “No".

    • Let us know how big your document is (no. of words/pages), so that we can give you an estimate and let us know what language it’s in (Source Language) .

    Or select I need to translate a website:

    • Enter the URL of the website you need to translate and let us know which language it needs to be translated from.

    We will not use the content in your documents for any purpose other than to provide you with a quotation
    See Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

    Your documents Send us the documents you need to translate
    Do you have documents available to upload?Invalid email address!
    Upload documents (max. 8 files, 20MB per file):
    Drop file(s) here
    Enter the adress of the website to be translated:Invalid URL!
    What language are your original documents in?Invalid URL!
    Please describe the documents to be translated:
    Secure upload
    Documents are uploaded over a secure connection and immediately encrypted.
    You can upload password-protected files (PDFExternal link (opens in new tab), Microsoft Office 365: Save a password protected document to prevent unauthorized people from opening it. Office DocumentsExternal link (opens in new tab), WinRAR Encryption Frequently asked question (FAQ) RAR foldersExternal link (opens in new tab)) for added protection – we’ll let you know how to provide us with passwords so that we can open the files. If your documents include Personal Data, please check our Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)
    What language do you want your documents translated into?

    Select the language(s) you want your documents translated into (Target Languages). You can select multiple languages.

    Target Language(s) What language do you want your documents translated into?
    Select the target language(s) of your translation?
    Do you need a certified translation?

    Let us know if you need your translation to be certified.

    • select Yes, then select the country where you will need to use your certified translation.
    • Otherwise select No or I'm not sure.

    If you need your translations certified, we will give you information on the various options, so you can choose the right solution for your requirements.

    Certification Do you need a certified translation?
    Do you need the translation officially certified?
    Where is the certified translation to be used?Invalid URL!
    Your email address

    We will send you our quotation by email. Please enter the email address where you want to receive the quotation.

    We will not use this email address for any purpose other than to communicate with you about the quotation - for details, please see our:
    Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries).

    Your contact details Your email address

    We will not use your email address/telephone number for any purpose other than to communicate with you about this inquiry. If you provide your mobile number, we will only contact you via SMS or WhatsApp; we will not call you unless you ask us to.

    Further information Let us know about any special instructions
    Submit Quotation
    Submit Quotation

    Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

    An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

    Telling us that your uploaded documents contain personal data ensures proper processing under Data Protection Laws. We cannot be held responsible for any improper processing which may occur when you have told us that your documents do not contain Personal Data.

    Do your uploaded documents contain Personal Data?

    Telling us that your uploaded documents contain personal data ensures proper processing under Data Protection Laws. We cannot be held responsible for any improper processing which may occur when you have told us that your documents do not contain Personal Data.


    Under Data Protection Laws, there are special safeguards applicable to the processing of Special Category Data. Informing us that your uploaded documents contain Special Category Data ensures that these safeguards are applied and that all processing is lawful.

    For further details see
    Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

    Do your documents contain sensitive personal data?

    Please let us know if your uploaded documents contain Special Category Data (e.g. biometric data, health data, data revealing a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, data related to criminal offences).

    We cannot be held responsible for any improper processing of Special Category Data which may occur when you have told us that your documents do not contain such data. Please contact us if you need any assistance (

    Please review before submitting your request:
    • The Personal Data we are collecting from you will be processed by Isarey in accordance with
      Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)
    • Your uploaded documents do not contain Personal Data belonging to other people
    • Your uploaded documents do not contain Special Category Data
    Please review before submitting your request:
    • The Personal Data we are collecting from you will be processed by Isarey in accordance with
      Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)
    • Your uploaded documents do not contain Personal Data belonging to other people
    We need your consent to process sensitive data:
    • We will not share this data with any third party unless we are required to do so by law
    • We will not use this data for any purpose other than responding to your request for a quotation.
    • You may withdraw your consent at any time (email:
    Please review before submitting your request:
    • The Personal Data we are collecting from you will be processed by Isarey in accordance with
      Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)
    • Your uploaded documents do not contain Personal Data

    Under Data Protection Laws, there are special safeguards applicable to the processing of Special Category Data. Informing us that your uploaded documents contain Special Category Data ensures that these safeguards are applied and that all processing is lawful.

    For further details see
    Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

    Do your documents contain sensitive personal data?

    Please let us know if your uploaded documents contain Special Category Data (e.g. biometric data, health data, data revealing a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, data related to criminal offences).

    We cannot be held responsible for any improper processing of Special Category Data which may occur when you have told us that your documents do not contain such data. Please contact us if you need any assistance (

    Personal data referring to other people:

    Since you are providing us with personal data referring to third parties, our processing of this data will be as your appointed Data Processor.

    Personal data referring to other people:

    Since you are providing us with personal data referring to third parties, our processing of this data will be as your appointed Data Processor.

    Your own Personal Data:
    • The Personal Data we are collecting from you will be processed by Isarey in accordance with
      Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

    Under Data Protection Laws, there are special safeguards applicable to the processing of Special Category Data. Informing us that your uploaded documents contain Special Category Data ensures that these safeguards are applied.

    We cannot be held responsible for any improper processing of Special Category Data which may occur when you have told us that your documents do not contain such data.

    Please contact us if you need any assistance (

    For further details see
    Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

    Processing of personal data:

    Your documents will be processed by Isarey as if they contain non-sensitive personal data in accordance with

    Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)

    We cannot be held responsible for any improper processing of Special Category Data which may occur when you have told us that your documents do not contain such data. Please contact us if you need any assistance (

    Your own Personal Data:
    • The Personal Data we are collecting from you will be processed by Isarey in accordance with
      Privacy Policy (Customer Inquiries)